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3. Usage

Once astro is running, you just have to type a command in flowdock, then, if astro find a matching command, it will process it and send the response in the same flow. For example, if you want to invoke the ‘pt’ command:

pt documentation astro


| 1 documentation point for astro |

Commands have an available help, to show it:

pt help


pt help                                                            author: astr⦿
give a type point to the given user
➜ pt humor john

3.1. Available commands

3.1.1. List command

The list command display the list of all available commands, to invoke it:


Sample output

astr⦿ available commands
• teach .................................................................. astr⦿
• list-cmd ............................................................... astr⦿
• so ..................................................................... astr⦿
• pt ..................................................................... astr⦿
• relic .................................................................. astr⦿

3.1.2. So command

The so command display an image (most of them are animated gifs) according to the given term, example:

so crazy


note: flowdock automatically convert the link to an image.

3.1.3. Point command