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1. Introduction

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3. Usage

2. Installation

2.1. Install dependencies

Dependencies are managed through npm

npm install

2.2. Configure

You have to configure the bot to use your own flowdock API tokens

mv config.sample.js config.js
vim config.js

2.2.1. Basic configuration reference

In order to get your flowdock tokens, go to,

  • userToken = Personal API token
  • apiToken = Flow API token.

apiToken must match the corresponding flow. You can see that all configuration options reside under the ‘default’ key, it allow you to define multiple configs.

var config = {
  'default': {
    'botName':        'astro',                // name of your bot
    'org':            'ORGANIZATION_NAME',    // flowdock organization name
    'flow':           'FLOW_NAME',            // flowdock flow name
    'userToken':      'YOUR_FLOW_USER_TOKEN', // flowdock personal API token
    'apiToken':       'YOUR_FLOW_API_TOKEN',  // flowdock flow API token
    'welcomeMessage': 'Hi, I\'m astro'        // message to display on bot connection

2.3. Run

You’re now ready to launch astro, simply type teh following command in the root folder

node astro.js default

If you want to run the bot with a different configuration, define it and call

node astro.js CONFIG_KEY